We believe in the beauty of all bodies achieving
Rachel Naar MS RD CDN
Hi, I’m Rachel!
Pronouns: she/ her/ hers
I’m a Hoboken-based Holistic Food and Mental Health Registered Dietitian and founder of Rachel Naar Nutrition, where we offer virtual 1:1 holistic nutrition and wellness counseling and online courses to help you debunk and demystify food, draw connections to overall well-being, and make life palatable. Oh, I also love a good decaf coffee. Need a rec? I got you.

Do you find yourself knee-deep in a list of food rules?
Are you feeling tired, sluggish, anxious around food, and uncomfortable in your skin?
Do you just not know how to eat anymore?
I understand because I’ve been there.
From a young age I was pursuing a career in theater, film and TV. I was pushing my body to the limit physically, had a horrific relationship to food and body, and had a list a mile long of fear foods. To say I was uncomfortable in my skin would be an understatement. Casting directors and agents would freely comment on weight and appearance, and as a result my mental health was in the toilet. Anxious, judging of myself, and unsure- not the kind of vibe you’d like to go into an audition!
I knew for myself that the industry and the way I was operating wasn’t sustainable for me, and there had to be another way. In going back to school for my Master’s in Clinical Nutrition my goal was simple: help individuals make peace with food, body, and mind while allowing food to be an ally in this process.
Today in my private practice I work to help you challenge your black and white thinking, break free of demonizing foods, and focus on stress management with a body-positive, intuitive-eating approach that allows you to reinvent your relationship with food.
What is this intuitive eating and is it for me?
Have you ever watched a toddler eat.? Aside from being adorable and likely messy, if you look closely they know when to push food away when they’re satiated, ask for more when they’re hungry, and may take a pause and then come back to the food when they’re done playing? It’s because they were born with this ability to intuitively eat.
Before we’re inundated with diet culture’s ugly grip on us promising happiness, success, and health from detox teas, keto cleanses, and whatever else they can package up with a bow, we were intuitive eaters.
I am here to help guide you to focus inward on your biological internal cues so that you can relearn and re-engage with your relationship to food and body.
Food is so confusing, and there’s a slew of misinformation/fad diets/body-shaming/etc. out there that can feel impossible to sift through. Whether you need help learning how to prepare food for the week, figuring out what triggers uncomfortable symptoms, or anything in between, I promise to be your NO BS scientifically-backed sassy spirited food co-pilot.
My values and commitment to you:
I will not presume to know your body better than you
Nutrition and overall well-being is super individualized and collaborative between the client and their team
All bodies belong
In love and lots of gluten (unless you’re allergic/intolerant),
Rachel 💛
Rachel’s Credentials and Training
Master’s of Science in Clinical Nutrition at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture and Education
Registered Dietitian at Mount Sinai West Hospital - (previously covered the psychiatric unit, post-op surgery, cardiac, and neurosurgery units)
Registered Dietitian at Anastasia Health - Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating
Bachelor’s in Fine Arts in Theater with a focus in Applied Psychology (Drama Therapy) from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts
Dietetic Internship: Thomas Jefferson University Hospital - Philadelphia, PA
Active member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, IFEDD (International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians) as well as IAEDP New York (International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals)
My Acknowledgement of Privilege
My dominant identities include being a white, able-bodied, straight-sized cis-gendered individual. These identities have allowed me to hold a level of privilege in the world.
I pledge to continue to educate myself and learn from others with diverse backgrounds and lived experiences.
I hold space for individuals in my sessions with stories, bodies, and identities different from my own, and want in our sessions to invite you to be unabashedly and authentically you.
Meet Our Team
Sam Wierzbicki MS, RD
Director of Nutrition
Hi, I’m Sam!
I’m a non-diet, weight inclusive Registered Dietitian based in Jersey City, NJ. I’m passionate about helping individuals build trust in their bodies’ unique wisdom and rediscover the joy in nourishment and movement.
Sam’s Credentials and Training
Master’s of Science in Clinical Nutrition at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture and Education
Registered Dietitian at BALANCE Eating Disorder Treatment Center
New York University Dietetic Internship with an extensive eating disorder focused clinical rotation at BALANCE Eating Disorder Treatment Center
Bachelor of Arts in English from Princeton University
Hi, I’m Lucy!
I am a non-diet, weight inclusive Registered Dietitian based in Portland, OR and formerly from the best place on earth, Brooklyn, NY. I specialize in eating disorders and disordered eating, and am passionate about helping people find peace in their relationship with food and body.
Lucy Wild MS, RD
Associate Dietitian
Lucy’s Credentials and Training
Master's of Science in Clinical Nutrition at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture and Education
Registered Dietitian at Culina Health - Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating
Registered Dietitian at BALANCE Eating Disorder Treatment Center
New York University Dietetic Internship with an extensive eating disorder focused clinical rotation at BALANCE Eating Disorder Treatment Center
Bachelor of Arts in Dance (concentrations in performance, choreography, and dance therapy) and Environmental Studies from Goucher College
Julia Klosk, MS, RD
Associate Dietitian
Hi, I’m Julia!
I’m a non-diet, weight-inclusive, integrative Registered Dietitian based in Boston, MA. I am passionate about how nutrition and one’s relationship with food impact both mental and physical health.
Julia’s Credentials and Training
Master of Science in Nutrition Education from Teachers College, Columbia University
Registered Dietitian at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Integrated MS-RDN program at Teachers College, Columbia University with rotations at several eating disorder sites including the Renfrew Center of NYC and BALANCE Eating Disorder Treatment Center
Bachelor of Science in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University
Hi, I’m Sarah !
I am a non-diet, weight inclusive, and trauma-informed Registered Dietitian based in Jersey City, NJ. I am committed to helping individuals recover from eating disorders & disordered eating while cultivating a more neutral relationship with food and body.
Sarah Mandel MS, RD
Associate Dietitian
Sarah’s Credentials and Training
Assistant Director of Nutrition at BALANCE eating disorder treatment center
Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition from New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture and Education
New York University Dietetic Internship with clinical training completed at NYU Langone Hospital Main Campus
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Hamilton College